Welcome to our international line

Our school is a vibrant, warm and inspiring place for children to learn. Our highly skilled teachers are developing the children’s natural curiosity to explore the world around them, from a very young age. We do our best to engage children’s intrinsic desire to learn and we hope this will remain throughout their lives.

or call 0770 460 852 for more details.

We believe children achieve their best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. Our core values to Learn, Respect and Succeed are central to both pastoral and academic learning.

We provide opportunities to experience life beyond the classroom and follow a holistic approach to our teaching and learning. As much as possible, learning is planned in a cross curricular way and the whole school focuses on a central topic.

We believe that learning is not only achieved at a desk in the classroom, so we include as many educational excursions, visiting speakers and activities as we can, to enrich the children’s learning.

In addition to this, there is an extensive extra curricular activities programme with a wide variety of sports and activities to enable all children to further develop their interests and friendship groups.

ISO is a school where your children can achieve academically and become confident, independent and globally aware.

scoala privata

We follow the National Curriculum for England. As relevant the curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of our international children studying in Romania. However, the main principles and values of the curriculum and British system are implemented. Throughout the primary years, children are encouraged to learn both practically and academically and all work is monitored to ensure that they are making expected progress, according to their personal ability.

We encourage the children to take pride in their achievements and adopt an independent and self-reliant approach to school. Particular attention is given to the social and emotional development of all children.

Our team of professional teachers and support staff have many years experience working with families in an international primary school. We are therefore confident in our ability to support families when moving to a new school or country. If you would like to know more, or take a tour of the school and meet the children and teachers please contact the school admissions team and we will be happy to show you around.

Our Year Groups

English Learning Journey

Maths Learning Journey

Science Learning Journey

or call 0770 460 852 for more details.

Primary 1 1

Starting School

Starting school is an important event in the life of any child and family. At ISO we aim to make your child’s first day of school a very positive experience and to make the transition to the new school environment as smooth as possible.

They spend a few hours in the classroom with their future colleagues and meet their future teacher. At the end of the summer holiday there is an additional transition activity so that the children can refresh their memory (and hopefully excitement) by visiting again.

They will be met by members of the Student Council – the Prefects – who will give them a tour of the school and introduce them to the staff, including their class teacher. The children and parents can spend this time with the class teacher getting to know the classroom and each other.

Parents can also take this opportunity to meet some of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) – Friends of ISO.

These parents (and all of the parents) are an excellent wealth of knowledge about the school and a great support!

From the first day, all parents are encouraged to leave their children with the teacher and not to bring them into the building. Whatever your child’s reaction to school, remember that the teachers will have seen it all before and they are familiar and prepared to handle the children who are worried on their first days of school.

Moreover, they will contact you if there are any problems and your child is distressed. All new children are assigned a “buddy” to help them to settle in. Buddies provide a friendly face, helping hand, and helping information which can make a world of difference for new arrivals. Buddies can also offer linguistic support, cultural guidance and information about life at ISO.

or call 0770 460 852 for more details.

A typical ISO school day

Morning registration
Arrival & Morning Play
Getting ready for lunch
8:10 - 8:30
8:30 - 8:40
8:40 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:00
10:00 -1 0:15
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:50
11:50 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
13:45 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:00
14:30 - 15:00
Swipe left & Right to see the full timetable

or call 0770 460 852 for more details.

Check out our primary curriculum

Learning English

This includes the recognition that the children have different learning needs, including the need for extra support with English.

Many of our pupils already speak enough English to access our curriculum, but for those who cannot we provide support both within the classroom and in separate specialist classes as necessary.

Our staff are extremely experienced in welcoming children and parents from all around the world for whom English is not their mother tongue. We deal with children of all levels, from those who do not speak or understand a word, to those who simply need a little extra support with spelling or grammar.

Romanian Line 3

Character Education

We are actively working towards becoming accredited as a Character School, with a clear focus on instilling our six core values: Learn, Respect, Succeed, Empathy, Integrity, and Teamwork. Our aim is to embed these values into the fabric of our students’ daily lives, preparing them for both academic achievement and personal growth.

Benefits of Character Education

Empathy and Respect
Promotes diversity, kindness, and understanding.
Leadership and Responsibility
Encourages accountability and positive community impact.
Develops conflict resolution and collaboration skills.
Academic Success
Enhances academic performance in a supportive environment.

ISO's Commitment: Through carefully planned daily impact sessions, our teachers are committed to instilling these principles and values in a practical and engaging way. Our approach ensures that Character Education is not just a requirement, but a lived experience that prepares students for academic success and lifelong personal development.

11 Principles

Character Education program is guided by the 11 Principles from Character.org

1Promotes core values
Establishes and integrates essential values into the organization's culture.
2Defines ‘character’ to include thinking, feeling, and doing
Encourages understanding, caring about, and practicing core values.
3Uses a comprehensive approach
Adopts a proactive, all-encompassing strategy for character development.
4Creates a caring community
Builds relationships that foster belonging and connection.
5Provides students with opportunities for moral action
Encourages living out core values through service and actions.
6Offers a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum
Integrates character development into academic pursuits.
7Fosters students' self-motivation
Emphasizes intrinsic motivation over external rewards.
8Unites staff through collaborative learning
Encourages shared responsibility for upholding values.
9Fosters shared leadership
Promotes leadership opportunities for all stakeholders.
10Engages families and community members as partners
Involves broader community in character initiatives.
11Assesses the culture and climate of the school
Continuously evaluates and improves the character development environment.
Gradinita 5 1

An individual approach

We appreciate that moving to a new country can be a difficult time for parents and children alike, and that the challenge of learning a new language can cause extra concerns.

We are here to listen to those concerns and to help you and your child settle into school as quickly and smoothly as possible and this process starts from the very first time that you contact the admissions department.

We treat all children as individuals and work hard to understand the specific situation and needs.

GL Assessment

Why GL Assessment?

At the International School of Oradea, we prioritize comprehensive education that prepares students for the future. GL Assessment is crucial in achieving this goal.

Personalized Learning
Provides detailed insights into student strengths, allowing for tailored teaching approaches.
Data-Driven Decisions
Delivers data-rich reports to guide curriculum and resource allocation.
Early Intervention
Identifies challenges early, enabling targeted support for students.
Monitoring Progress
Tracks student growth, ensuring continuous improvement and timely support.
Parent Engagement
Offers clear reports that empower parents to actively participate in their child’s education.
College and Career Readiness
Assesses academic skills and attributes essential for future success.
Confidence Building
Encourages student confidence by highlighting progress and achievements.
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ISO's Student Support Program is dedicated to the holistic development of students, offering services and resources to help overcome challenges and achieve success. It focuses on empowering students academically, emotionally, and socially.

Student Support Program

Areas of Support:
Working Towards Expected Levels
English as an Additional Language (E.A.L.)
Individual Education Plans (IEP)

Accessing Support: Students and parents can easily access support by contacting the class teacher or SSP coordinator.

Confidentiality: All shared information is kept confidential, with exceptions only for safety concerns.

For more details, please contact us to ensure every student reaches their full potential.

Types of Support Available

Early Intervention
Social, emotional, and behavioral support, including group work and parenting support.
English and Math Support Groups
Counseling Services
Social Skills Group/Individual Support
Parent Workshops and Support
Peer Tutoring
In-Class Support with Differentiated Learning

What is the EAL programme used for?

Learning English as a foreign language is different to learning English in a school where all the lessons are taught in English. Your child has to learn English to communicate (social purposes) and also English for all the different subjects (academic purposes).

Students who are new to learning English will begin by learning vocabulary needed to express their everyday needs and for normal school life. This will then be built upon as they progress and gain in knowledge and confidence.

The level of support given to EAL beginners will be more intense when they first join ISO and a wide range of resources will be used to support learning.

The children also need to be able to work in their classroom on the same lessons as their classmates. Of course this is not easy when you are at the early stages of understanding and using English. So the class teachers differentiate the lessons to enable all children to take part.

or call 0770 460 852 for more details.

Romanian Line 2

Student Wellbeing

At ISO we not only look after the academic progress and achievement of our children but also regarding emotional, physical health, mental health and wellbeing as a top priority.

As such, we have developed and established a network of support, advice and care that enables children to flourish emotionally and socially, which will in turn help them to thrive academically.

Our pastoral structure is such that no child will have to look too far before finding the support they need. At all times parents are part of that support framework by working in close partnership with the school via their child’s class teacher, Wellbeing Leader, Deputy Headteacher, Headteacher or Director, who will make themselves available to talk in confidence about any concerns should they arise.

There is a fully trained school nurse available throughout the school day to assist should a child fall ill or have an accident and become physically injured or hurt.

Our school fees represent the best value amongst international schools in Romania. We have the lowest fees overall, including application fees, compared to other British style international schools in the country. There are no extras (‘campus’ or ‘development’ fees), and many of our extensive range of extracurricular activities are free of charge. ISO is a private, fee-paying school. School fees are revised annually by the Board. Fees may be payable in installments by arrangement with the Finance Department.

School Fees for the Academic Year 2025/2026

Primary School​​
Option 1
  • Payment in full by 10.02.
  • Program: 8:15 - 14:50
  • 500 € registration fee
  • Resources Fee (annual) - €200 per student Primary KS1
  • Resources Fee (annual) - €250 per student for Primary KS2
  • *The price is calculated in EURO - KS1 & KS2 (8744 € / year)
Primary School​​
Option 2
  • Payment in full by 15.04.
  • Program: 8:15 - 14:50
  • 500 € registration fee
  • Resources Fee (annual) - €200 per student Primary KS1
  • Resources Fee (annual) - €250 per student for Primary KS2
  • *The price is calculated in EURO - KS1 & KS2 (9204 € / year)
Primary School​​
Option 3
  • ***Payment in 5 equal installments
  • Program: 8:15 - 14:50
  • 500 € registration fee
  • Resources Fee (annual) - €200 per student Primary KS1
  • Resources Fee (annual) - €250 per student for Primary KS2
  • *The price is calculated in EURO - KS1 & KS2 (9950 € / year)

* 14:50 - 15:50 Free ISO clubs and educational trips included in the school tax.
** The school fees do not include the external clubs and touristic trips.
*** For Option 3 installments are: 20% by 15 April 2025, 20% paid by 15 June 2025, 20% paid by 15 October 2025, 20% by 15 November 2025 and 20% paid by 15 January 2026

Primary students 1 scaled

There are no additional charges or “campus” fees, and many of the extracurricular activities we offer are free of charge.​

At ISO we strongly believe in the importance of adhering to and of sharing the values of a Community. This is why the school uniform is mandatory in primary education.

You can also benefit from school transport services, which we organize together with “MyDeck”, the only premium transport service in western Romania, because your child's safety is a priority to us. ​

or call 0770 460 852 for more details.


Contact Secretariat


Book a visit

At ISO we accept applications throughout the academic year, based on space availability. We welcome boys and girls of all races, religions and cultures. If you need more details or wish to pay us a visit, please let us know and we will come back to you as soon as possible.